Monna Rizvi
Service Development Liaison Librarian- Middlesex University

Service Development Liaison Librarian- Middlesex University
Monna Rizvi is a Service Development Liaison Librarian at Middlesex University and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has been advocating the use of digital badges and micro-credentials since 2014 to motivate, reward and recognise the soft skills learnt as part of formal Undergraduate programmes and to include them in overall pedagogy.
Monna has published articles about the practical use of online badges to promote digital and information literacy to Pre-sessional students and spoken at conferences both in the UK, and recently at Koç University, Istanbul. In a recent external inspection by the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP), which provides a global forum for EAP lecturers, the library support offered to Pre-sessional students, including digital badges was singled out as exemplary practice.