The University of Jordan Library :: Amman ::UJ,
Mission and Vision


A diverse and pioneering library in spreading knowledge and a fundamental contributor to supporting scientific understanding in both local and global education


Providing a supportive environment for access to information sources in all forms, keeping pace with digital transformation and global standards necessary to support scientific research, the academic process, the dissemination of culture, and serving the local community, while enhancing effective partnerships locally and globally.


Creating a supportive environment for accessing information resources in all forms, keeping pace with digital transformation and global standards necessary to support scientific research, the academic process, cultural dissemination, and serving the local community, while enhancing effective partnerships both locally and globally..
  1. Provide, enhance, and sustain resources for scientific research, learning, and education.
  2. Empower information literacy and promote a culture of reading, exploration, and research within the community.
  3. Transition towards an integrated smart technological environment for the University of Jordan Library.
  4. Develop work procedures in the University of Jordan Library in accordance with global standards and comprehensive quality assurance criteria.
  5. Strengthen effective partnerships with strategic partners from local and global libraries and relevant entities, and work towards their sustainability.


The Library Unit bases its strategic vision and mission on a set of values derived from those of the University of Jordan, guiding the library’s path. These values are as follows:
  • • Excellence.
  • • Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership.
  • • Diversity.
  • • Partnership and Social Responsibility.
  • • Good Governance.
  • • Quality.
  • • Stimulating Work Environment.