Information Department: includes Four divisions
Computer Applications and Databases Division
this division supervises planning, analysis, coordination of automation, communication and online library
systems, including library programming such as library websites and other
software required by the library. In addition to supervising the Integrated
Library System (Horizon), this division is also the coordinator between the
library and the Information Technology Center at University. It also supervises
the design and modification of the library website, And the printing of the
barcode for all library holdings, in addition to the implementation of the
electronic theses archiving project, and making them available through the
These and Dissertations electronic database which is available in a special
research laboratory
This division has the task of providing subscriptions to electronic
databases and make them available to the users on the website according to the
need of scientific and humanitarian faculties of the University, This division
also provides the periodicals and newspapers, Arab and foreign, through the
purchase or gift and the necessary technical procedures for the data entery,
indexing, classification, and binding of those serials
Division of Archiving and MicroFilms
division provides a rare collection of knowledge resources from manuscripts,
books, Arabic and foreign newspapers, old and modern, and records of Islamic
courts. The Division undertakes projects for archiving of newspapers and
documents electronically and providing search and photocopying services to all
library users
Division of Theses Deposit Center
theses that are approved from
universities that are members in the Association of Arab Universities are
deposited in this division
Follow-Up and Technichal Support Division
theses that are approved from
universities that are members in the Association of Arab Universities are
deposited in this division
Technical Department: includes three divisions
Acquisition Division
this Division is responsible for the
acquisition of library materials in different forms. Acquisition is done through
purchase, gift and exchange arrangements.The Division is
also responsible for maintaining the records of library materials in the library
Division of cataloging and Classification
The task of this division is
to catalog the information resources (books, ,
Theses..etc) received from the Acquisition Division and classify them according
to Dewey Decimal System, and enter the bibliographic information of those
materials in the cataloging and classification computerized system that is
prepared for this purpose. The process of affixing encrypted barcode vouchers to
books and writing on their heels in preparation for placing them on the library
shelves is within the reach of researchers
Binding and Restoration Division
The main task of this division is to
repair and binding of library materials through the modern binding lab, which
was established in the UJ library as a donation from Dar Al-Mandumah, this
division is also responsible for organization of the materials that need to be
delivered and received to and from the binding lab using the form of
computerized lists
Department of Services : includes three divisions

: Division of Circulation and Sub-halls
This division is responsible for
everything related to borrowing and returning of books, in addition to
organizing and follow-up the transactions of personal and official subscriptions
in the library in accordance with the official instructions issued by the
University. The library uses the Integrated Library System (Horizon), which
provides a Union Catalog for search and retrieval that enables the researcher to
search the holdings of all government university libraries using one single
interface, those libraries are members in the Center Of Excellence for Jordanian
Public University Library System
The library follows the open shelving system and an automated lending and
borrowing system. The SelfCheck Loans Machines are
available in the Division, which allows students to borrow books without any
assistance. The division also organizes the collection of the library on the
shelves according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System. It also organizes
and supervises the group of 10 reading rooms (sub-halls) which are distributed
among the university faculties to serve their specializations and enrich their
collections in coordination with the library liaison officers. The loan
department contributes to the training of students in libraries and information
: Reference, Depository & Special Collection Division
This division includes the basic sourcebooks for
researchers such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, manuals, biographies
and references in all disciplines and in different languages arranged and
available for use in the following halls within the library: Al-Bukhari Hall,
Ibn Khaldun Hall and Nasser Eddin Al-Assad Hall, in addition to the supervision
of the free reading room where students can be seated as groups and group
: Also This division includes the
information resources of particular national, cultural and heritage importance,
including the following collections
- Hashemite Collection: It includes publications and studies that
talk about Jordan in various fields, and a special place of the Hashemite family
books and sources that speak about its history, achievements and everything
related to it.
- Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) Collection: contains publications
dealing with Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem), and a collection of some Hebrew
studies and the Palestinian question.
- Special Collections: include rare books printed before 1930,
and valuable books and valuable books to keep them from damage.
- The Limited Circulation
Collection: contains rare books that are used for special request.
- The United Nations Publications Depository Center:
contains publications of the United Nations, its agencies, institutions, various
organizations and archives of universities.