The University of Jordan Library :: Amman ::UJ,
Technical Department Achievements

The number of library materials increased by 11.1%, rising from 5,037,159 in the 2021/2022 academic year to 5,591,903 in 2022/2023.

Books: The number of books increased by 41.9%, rising from 550,100 in the 2021/2022 academic year to 780,595 in 2022/2023. This growth is attributed to several key factors, including: 1) Visiting international book fairs and publishers, such as the Cairo International Book Fair. 2) Obtaining approval for the acquisition of an electronic purchasing card for books through online platforms. Compilation of the intellectual output of university faculty members who have authored books, which were deposited in the library and cataloged on an electronic platform. Contribution to the international accreditation of the following colleges: (Pharmacy, Foreign Languages, Law, Agriculture, Engineering, Business, Medicine, and others). Development of knowledge resources necessary for the educational learning process through: Participation in the Amman International Book Fair in the years 2021, 2022, and 2023. Participation in the Cairo International Book Fair 2023, securing approximately 775 books from various Arab and international publishers. 2/2