Template for Abstract

  Title : (Times new roman, font size 14)

  Presenting Author 1, Co-Authors2,* (Times new roman, font size 12)

  Department, Organisation, Address, City, Country (Italic, Times new roman, font size 11)

  *Corresponding Author E-mail: (Times new roman, font size 11)


  ABSTRACT (Times new roman, font size 11) (Max. 300 words)

You are invited to submit your abstract (maximum 300 words). Authors whose abstracts are selected will be invited to submit a full paper for peer review. The topic of the Conference includes Technological Innovations in Libraries, Libraires’ role in Learning, Trends and Issues, AI and Machine Learning in Library operations, Blockchain for Information Management, Libraries Collaboration with Educational Institutions., Data Privacy and Security in Libraries, Sustainability Issues and Green Libraries and other topics.

Abstracts of a maximum of 300 words must be submitted via e-mail ( by July 18, 2024. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by August 1st, 2024. For each paper accepted for presentation and included in the proceedings the author will be notified of paper acceptance by 12/9/2024.

Keywords: Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3; Keyword4; (Maximum 4).

To Download the abstract format (Word File): Click Here.

Abstract Submission:
Send the abstract to the following email address: